Auspicious Vesak Class Offering

Millions of Mantra Offering (供养百万心咒)

两千多年前,佛陀诞生于北印度兰毗尼园。传说太子降生时,九龙吐水沐圣身。不久就面向四方各行七步,每走一步,足下生出一朵莲花,并一手指天一手指地,说道: “天上天下,唯我独尊”。

Shakyamuni Buddha was born as a prince in the famous gardens of Lumbini more than 2,000 years ago. According to legend, heavenly dragons showered the infant prince with streams of water upon his birth. Then, He walked 7 steps. Lotus flowers bloomed at His feet with each step He took, and with one hand pointing towards the sky and another towards the ground, the Buddha-to-be declared: "In all the heavens and earth, I am the world-honoured one". ⁣
Buddhist devotees celebrate the birth of the Buddha⁣ with a Buddha-Bathing ceremony every year on the 8th day of the fourth lunar month. By bathing the Buddha, we are also cleansing our body, speech and mind to eradicate anger, greed and ignorance in order to purify our mind to cultivate merits and wisdom. On this glorious day, our lamrin class students will recite [Buddha Shakyamuni Mantra] and dedicated the merits for Excellent Teachings stay in this world for a long time, the Peerless Dharma Wheel turn continuously and may peace prevail in the world.

诵心咒的功德 Merits of chanting Mantra

《释迦牟尼佛心咒》:“嗡 牟尼牟尼 摩诃牟尼耶娑诃”。念诵时,要专注凝视或观想释迦牟尼佛像。在《释迦牟尼佛修法仪轨》中说,念诵一遍此咒,可清净俱胝八万劫中所造的一切罪业,具无量功德利益。
万人共念 《心咒》,消灾祛病。

[Buddha Shakyamuni Mantra]: "Om Muni Muni Maha Muniye Soha”. During the chanting, focus on gazing at or visualising Buddha Shakyamuni. It is said in “Buddha Shakyamuni’s Dharma Rituals” that if you recite this mantra once, you can purify all the sinful karma created in the eighty thousand kalpas and have immeasurable merits and benefits".
Although the mantra consists of few words, but each word is extremely powerful. If one recites the mantra and dedicate it to the family, the whole family would be blessed with Safety and Good Health, Auspicious and Prosperous businesses, and gain great Wealth! Together with ten thousand people reciting the [Mantra], disasters and diseases will be eliminated.